March 14, 2018 – Enough National School Walk Out

March 14 is the one-month anniversary of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The 17 minute walkout will honor the 17 lives taken in the tragedy and has been organized by the Women’s March.

For legal reasons, we do not organize for “walk outs,” but supports the rights of students, educators, parents and others to advocate for an end to gun violence in our schools.

There were some great rallies at Will C Wood!

Our members, around the district, standing with out students and demanding safe schools! There were some great rallies around the district.  Here’s some pictures from Will C WoodAs well as Vacaville High School

Drone shots of the rally at Will C Wood



Campaign 2018 – for VTA members only!

Please click here to check out our place for campaign information

Our members having a great time at the RoundTable Clubhouse Mixer!

The Round Table Clubhouse in Browns Valley was the place to be!

Our members, having a great time at the New Educator Conference!

“The CTA New Educator’s Conference was a great professional development event to attend as a new teacher. The breakout sessions included workshops on classroom management, pedagogy, assessment, and healthy living that were helpful for me as a first year teacher establishing myself as an educator. I also really enjoyed networking with new educators from my local and from across the state!”

Eric Estes

Willis Jepson Middle School

History Teacher

The conference was incredible and I am so grateful I was selected! There were a lot of resources from workshops that I am actually already implementing. I was able to organize my Google drive and some of the behavior management techniques were helpful too. It was great to meet people with shared interests and common experiences. I truly felt that CTA values me as an educator and appreciate the time and effort they put in to give us a forum to learn about “All the Things”. Contracts and dues are a complicated thing and this conference helped me put it all into perspective. I feel privileged to be part of a dedicated and hard-working union! It was an inspiring, motivating weekend and I have made some great connections as well as feel empowered to be a better educator that will break the 5 year curse.

Thanks again for everything!!!

Randi Fien

Hemlock Elementary School


Overall it was great! I just wish there was more for SPED and ideas for ELD students.  But maybe that would have to be a totally separate conference.

I liked all of the classroom management ideas 🙂

Lyndsey O’Dwyer

Browns Valley Elementary School


The Vacaville Teachers Association is a collective of hard working educators.  To have the opportunity to support our first and second year teachers at the New Educators Conference is the best part of Member Engagement.  I was privileged to join such a great group of new and veteran educators!

Alyson Brauning

Vacaville Teachers Association Vice President

Why we value education

It’s the road to equality and citizenship…That’s Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior…on public education. Here in California, we value public education, our teachers, and the local neighborhood schools that create opportunity and keep our communities strong. The direction in which education starts a person will determine their future in life. Or as Helen Keller wrote, “The highest result of education is tolerance. And Nelson Mandela reminds us, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. For centuries, our greatest minds have reminded us that educators make a powerful difference for a lifetime. That’s exactly why this message is brought to you by the California Teachers Association, educators who know quality public schools make a better California for all of us.

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