Members helping members during the Camp Fire

In addition to the town itself being leveled by the fire, Paradise has lost 2 of its schools (waiting for confirmation on the full count). Our teachers, bus drivers, aides, and more worked to save their students. For those interested in helping the educators affected by the fire, you can mail a check or gift cards, or donate to the GoFundMe run by the President of Chico Unified Teachers Association:
In response to such an overwhelming need, our Vice-President, Alyson Brauning, and the president of the Napa Valley Education Association, Gayle Young, traveled to Chico with emergency supplies.

Vacaville Teachers Association Vice-President, Alyson Brauning, unloading supplies!

Alyson delivering supplies to CTA Staff Consultant Jennifer Tarabochia so they can be shared with fire victims

From left to right, CTA Staff Consultant Jennifer Tarabochia, VTA Vice-President Alyson Brauning, and NVEA President Gayle Young