CTA-supported AB 215 is up for a critical hearing April 23rd. AB 215 prioritizes, expedites and streamlines the dismissal process to keep students safe, while also safeguarding the integrity of the profession and protecting the due process rights of educators. AB 215 provides immediate protections for students by creating a separate hearing process for education employees who are charged with egregious misconduct such as sexual abuse, child abuse and specific drug crimes. AB 215 also establishes clear and timely procedures for dismissal in non-egregious misconduct cases. By expediting and streamlining the hearing process, districts will not be allowed to drag on investigations of educators who are falsely accused.
CTA has long supported changes to the dismissal process that protect students and are fair to educators. That is why CTA worked with education stakeholders, lawmakers and the governor’s office on this measure. It is extremely important for lawmakers to hear from educators on AB 215. Please email Senator Cathleen Galgiani today.