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The Supreme Court heard oral arguments – on the Friedrich v CTA case. A decision is expected June 1st – June 30th.
Communications department – launched CTA Ahead, a monthly email calendar sharing what’s happening in the CTA world (conferences, scholarship deadlines, member benefits, membership materials and organizing ideas). The Leader Resource Center ( continues to house new resources each month. Coming up next month is new community engagement resources.
Plans for California Reads and Read Across America – are well underway and materials and resources can be downloaded at
The Commission on Teacher Credentialing has a current opening – The Committee on Accreditation for a certificated employee of a public K-12 institution. The deadline for application is February 10, 2016 and interested CTA members are encouraged to apply. Go to prep/coa-about.html for information and application.
Social Studies Framework – to provide input for public comments to the CDE. Public comments are due by February 29th members can review and comment on the Framework by visiting the CDE website:
Apply for IFT grants – at
The California Council for the Social Studies – will be holding its annual conference March 4th – 6th in Costa Mesa. More information can be found at their website
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics – is holding its national conference April 13 – 16 in San Francisco. Information is available on their website:
The California Math Council – will be holding a common core symposium at Cal State University Bakersfield on March 11 – 16. Information is available on the CMC website:
CalSTRS Annual Progress Reports – are now only delivered electronically via If you have not created your account, YOU NEED TO! Anyone that wishes to continue receiving a hard copy needs to make that request by contacting CalSTRS directly at 1-800-228-5453 to request a form or download the form through Forms must be received by CalSTRS by July 1st.
Pesticide-application regulations – CTA Lobbyist Toni Trigueiro said pesticide-application regulations are being developed and new regulations regarding a school-buffer should be coming in spring 2016. CTA and representatives from Californians for Pesticide Reform, the Pesticide Action Network, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and CRLA met with three key gubernatorial staff members in December 2015 regarding newly proposed regulations to limit pesticide spraying near schools, day-care centers, and preschools. The coalition recommends that the state require a one-mile buffer zone around schools when spraying specified pesticides.
Governor’s Early Learning Block Grant Proposal – The Department of Finance is currently accepting email input at There are 3 stakeholder meetings scheduled in Sacramento in February and early March. The committee members also received information on a draft bill to increase the high school graduation rates of parenting students with a student parental leave and sick day policy. The committee has been asked to email input for suggestions, improvements, and areas of concern regarding this legislative proposal.
California Music Education Association – On February 13th there will be a one day conference in San Jose for those teachers who have no music background but want to bring music into the classroom. Check the CMEA website for more details and registration fees.
Fair Political Practices Commission – The FPPC website is more “user friendly” for local PAC’s to use. A toolkit is available to assist locals. Check out the information because we don’t want local PAC’s to be fined. Local PAC’s can be fined between $250.00 and $400.00 for not filing with FPPC. The filing fee is $50.00. Please make sure your local has filed.
Lottery Commission – After a significant period of time, Governor Brown appointed Hugo Lopez as the Director of the Lottery Commission. Mr. Lopez is not a registered voter in the State of California. Powerball frenzy garnered $150 million dollars for our schools.
Public Employment Relations Board – The PERB Board is severely lacking in staff and funding to pursue cases. It is not known when this will be rectified. Locals need to know that investigations are taking over 120 days.
CAL OSHA – OSHA is working on Workplace violence prevention regulations for health care workers. A first draft has been completed. It will then go to a second reading and then for final approval by the regulations board before June 2016. When passed it will be the first of its kind in the United States. Hopefully, educators will be included in this as well. We need to have input from educators to make this happen. Having stories to tell will help to show why educators need to be included.
California Association of Regional Occupational Programs – Meeting was held last week, attendees discussed the current governor’s lack of support for a dedicated funding stream for ROP (Regional Occupational Programs). In the last year 20% of programs designated as ROP have folded. $91 million of the $400 million of Career Tech Incentive Grants has been awarded and some ROPs are recipients of the grant money, which will help keep some afloat.