Is the retro pay you received on your January pay warrant correct?

Each member’s January pay warrant should have retroactive pay on it.


Base salaries were cut by 3.26% starting in July for 12-month pay and starting in September for 10-month pay.


With the passage of Proposition 30, our contract reverted back to a single furlough day instead of six.


Therefore, base salaries should only be cut by .55%. You should see a retroactive amount equal to 2.71% of your monthly base salary (multiplied by 6 months for 12-month pay, multiplied by 4 months for 10-month pay) on your pay warrant.


Example:  Step 19, BA+75, $68013 yearly salary


12-month pay:  $68013 divided by 12 multiplied by .0271 multiplied by 6 = $922


10-month pay:  $68013 divided by 10 multiplied by .0271 multiplied by 4 = $737


The calculations for those paid on different Schedules are slightly different because of the different number of workdays for each job.


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