From the VTA Equity Team – CTA Equity & Human Rights Conference Home Edition (Virtual)

February 24 – 27, 2021

The University Credit Season Pass is a new benefit to members attending CTA Statewide Conferences. CTA Members, through attending online conferences live or through watching recordings, will be given the opportunity to accumulate the hours of professional growth needed to qualify for university credit units (15 hours per one unit) across the entire season of statewide conferences. As a benefit to members, CTA will cover the cost of enrollment with CSU Chico, normally $75/credit. The Season Pass begins with the 2020 LGBTQ+ Issues Conference and ends with the 2021 CTA Special Education Conference in April.

CTA’s first ever Special Education Conference will take place virtually April 30 – May 2, 2021.

Registration will open approximately one month prior to event.

There will be workshops for Special Ed AND General Ed Teachers.

If you have any questions, please email the conference staff

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