Category: Uncategorized

News and Resources for Our Classrooms & Schools

With Martin Luther King Jr., Day coming up on Monday, this would be an excellent time to visit NEA’s Human Rights Lesson Plan Library online.  Consider applying (or encouraging a colleague to apply!) for CTA’s Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Scholarship Program. This scholarship encourages ethnic minority students to become educators, school nurses, school counselors or school therapists and …

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Updated conference reimbursement forms!

Hello folks! As conference season begins, we wanted to let everyone know what your union will reimburse when you attend a conference. -Registration Fees for the conference (may be reimbursed prior to attending if needed*) -Airfare (or mileage equivalent to economy airfare) for conferences far away (may be reimbursed prior to attending if needed*) -Parking …

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California Supreme Court: Personal Emails and Texts May be subject to PRA Requests

(Please click on the pics if you can’t read them on your device)

California is #RedForEd!

More than 28,000 thousand Los Angeles educators are on the STRIKE line todayto demand a quality public education for every student. 60,000 joined a rally in downtown Los Angeles today in support. Oakland educators marched the streets this weekend with community allies for public education. Countless educators joined Walk-ins last Friday, sending tidal waves of #RedForEd solidarity both online and offline. Every time you take …

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Rally tomorrow in Oakland!

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