Category: Uncategorized

More Education Funding NOW

CTA and education partners are calling on legislative leaders to prioritize education funding and identify additional revenue to close a projected $20 billion education state budget shortfall during the global pandemic and beyond. Ways to generate revenue include suspending or eliminating tax expenditures, imposing additional taxes on high income individuals, or corporate tax changes.    “We are …

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Yes on 15! Estimated Funding Calculator

Would you like to know how much your district will receive when Prop. 15 passes?  Use this tool.

Preparing Your Distance Learning Classroom

Join NEA Teacher Quality in a series of webinars designed to help you prepare your distance learning classroom. Register for one or all three! August 10, 2020 Planning for a Week of Distance Learning Join ed tech experts in exploring examples of what distance education might “look” like for you and your students. We will …

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Yes on Prop 15, No on Prop 22!

Prop 15: Schools & Communities First will ensure that our schools & communities DO come first with enough resources to truly educate all of our kids and services to support all of our families.  RECLAIMS $12 billion every year to fund neighborhood schools and strengthen local economies to lift up all Californians. CLOSES commercial property …

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Less Than 100 Days…..

…till election day. Education funding remains the critical issue and it’s essential to pass Prop. 15, which would help California reclaim some $12 billion annually for schools and essential public services. We cannot open our schools until they are safe , and adequate funding is needed to make this happen. Take action:   -On Friday, July 31, at …

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