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Category: Uncategorized
Oct 22
Action Alert!
Hello everyone. I know there are a lot of emails going around but we think that this is an important time to send out this request. The district and board are negotiating plans for returning to schools safely. We have also been in contact with CTA and have asked about what next steps we can …
Oct 20
Rep. Council Agenda for 10/20/20
Oct. 20, 2020 by Zoom Approval of the minutes Approval of the agenda President’s Report: Lisa Cuisi Treasurer’s report: Brenda Hensley Bargaining: Brenda Hensley Grievance: Lisa Cusi 7) Committee/Chair Reports -Equity Team: Alyson Brauning -Member Engagement: Alyson Brauning -Labor Council: Corey Penrose -Action: Corey Penrose -PAC: Corey Penrose & Ariel Ray (PAC …