Category: Uncategorized

California Teachers: Honoring our past. Guiding the future.

On May 8, 2013 we will mark the 31th anniversary of California’s Day of the Teacher. To honor teachers and the 150th anniversary of CTA, we have chosen “California Teachers: Honoring the Past, Guiding the Future” as this year’s theme. Day of the Teacher is a special day for all of us. It’s a day to …

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Rep Council Meeting Agenda for May 7th

A copy of the agenda can be found here! Rep Council Agenda May 7, 2013  3:30 Jepson library Site concerns: discussion and report 1) – Approval of the minutes 2) – Approval of the agenda 3) – Business 4) – President’s report (Moira McSweeney) 5) – Treasurer’s report (Brenda Hensley) 6) – Committee/Chair reports – …

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Last Friday a parent of 2 of our students was killed while trying to help a woman out of her car after an accident on I-80…

…So many parents and staff have asked how we can help this young family. Vacaville has a reputation of taking care of their own, so if you’d like to help out there are two ways to do so. The first way to help is to donate money. There is an account set up at Travis …

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Here are the VTA officers and directors for the next term beginning June 16, 2013.

Thanks to all of the candidates who ran in this election and to all of you who voted. Here are the VTA officers and directors for the next term beginning June 16, 2013. PRESIDENT Moira McSweeney VICE PRESIDENT Alyson Brauning TREASURER Brenda Hensley RECORDING SECRETARY Corey Penrose CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Aja Cook SITE DIRECTORS VHS/CHS/Elm: Julie …

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Bargaining update #3

The VTA and VUSD teams met on April 19, 2012 for three hours. VTA: Brenda Hensley, Kent Puddy, Kim Campbell, Gary Masterson, Todd Blanset, Lynne Grow & Moira McSweeney VUSD: Randy Henry, Ed Santopadre, David Robertson Christie Cochran, & Kari Sousa The District provided a calculation of $407,002.81 as the cost of 1% for VTA. …

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