Category: Uncategorized

Bargaining report #5

 JUST THE FACTS… The VTA/CTA/NEA 13-14 Bargaining Update Issue #5 May 10, 2013     The VTA and VUSD teams met on May 10, 2013. VTA: Brenda Hensley, Kent Puddy, Kim Campbell, Gary Masterson, Todd Blanset, Lynne Grow & Moira McSweeney VUSD: Randy Henry, Ed Santopadre, David Robertson Christie Cochran, & Kari Sousa     …

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Rep Council Meeting Minutes for May 7th 2013

Rep Council meeting minutes Jepson library May 7, 2013  3:30-4:53 Members present – Ginny Miller, Julie Timmerman, Diane Dahl, Judy Schneider, Sofia Felix, Jennifer Brown, Debbie Cavanaugh, Moira McSweeney, Julie McGee, Russ Tucker, Stephanie Munzinger, Sharon Riehl, Helen Blood, Miranda Merino, Linda Phelan, Bob Blaine, Todd Blanset, Christine Williams, Cathy Valdez, Brenda Hensley, Sylvia Shepard, …

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150 years of the California Teachers Association

By Dean E. Vogel Los Angeles Daily News Today, May 9, marks the 150th anniversary of the California Teachers Association. Between the time that President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and the time he delivered the Gettysburg Address, John Swett founded the California Educational Society, which was to become the California Teachers Association. …

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Affordable Care Act Training in Davis on May 15th!

How will the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) affect your chapter? How will it affect your family if you can’t afford to cover them through your own district’s health care? There will be an Affordable Care Act training in Davis at Sudwerk at 4PM on Wednesday, May 15. Please join us and bring your colleagues. Kathy …

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Day of the teacher festivities at Murillos!

And the fun didn’t stop there – Browns Valley also celebrated the day of the teacher with a staff breakfast!

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