Category: Uncategorized

End of the year VTA update from the President!

Negotiations for the 2013-14 contract will continue over the summer. The passage of the state and district budget in late June should give us a better picture of the financial situation which will guide bargaining. Check the website in the later part of July for updates. We hope to have a tentative agreement ready to put forth to …

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The Elementary prep MOU has just been signed..

…check it out by clicking here.

Tonight at State Council….

…Richard Bammer, from the Vacaville Reporter, received a John Swett Award from the California Teachers Association for his outstanding education coverage. VTA state council member Corey Penrose, Richard Bammer and VTA vice-president Larry Baker.

Congratulations to The Reporters Richard Brammer!

Richard Bammer, from the Vacaville Reporter, has just won a John Swett Award for a series of columns last year that examined vital school issues in the Vacaville Unified School District and neighboring districts. Writing in a strong voice showing his compassion for public schools, his winning columns looked at the recent recession’s damage to …

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Bargaining update #6

The VTA and VUSD teams met on May 24, 2013. VTA: Brenda Hensley, Kent Puddy, Kim Campbell, Gary Masterson & Lynne Grow VUSD: Randy Henry, Ed Santopadre, David Robertson, Christie Cochran, & Kari Sousa The teams discussed School Services’ take on the Governor’s May Revise. It is still uncertain as to how VUSD will be …

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