Category: Uncategorized

Meeting dates for 2013-2014 have been set

2013-2014 meeting dates in one document Exec Board/ Rep Council dates 2013-2014 Exec Board Aug. 9 retreat (venue TBD) Sept. 10 Oct. 8 Nov 5 Dec. 3 Jan. 14 Feb. 11 Mar. 11 April 8 May 6     Rep Council Aug. 27 orientation Sept. 24 Oct. 22 Nov. 12 Dec. 17 Jan. 28 Feb. …

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We just received this from Christal Watts, the president of Vallejo EA…..

We hope that VTA will consider attending the “Common Ground” founding convention this Sunday. Registration begins at 2:30 with the program starting at 3:00. It is being held at St. Pat’s/St. Vincent’s. This event is a culmination of work bringing together a diverse group of organizations, including non-profits, labor and faith based groups, to try …

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Planning for Your Time Off?

Hope you have fun plans for the summer. For many of you, CTA and NEA Member Benefits can enhance whatever you have planned – whether it’s fun, home projects, organizing your life and finances, or developing your skills! Just take a look at a sampling of what is waiting for you: (650-552-5200) Save on …

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CTA Statement Praising School Funding Formula Agreement

CTA President Dean Vogel issued a statement to the media today praising the historic school funding formula agreement in the Legislature. Here is an excerpt:“We are extremely encouraged by the historic state budget agreement in Sacramento to overhaul education funding for K-12 schools. Thanks to the hard work of educators and parents to pass Proposition …

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Once a year….

…teachers from around the county meet to set the course of the National Education Association for the year. For more information, and to see the agenda for this year’s meeting, please click here. This year, your representatives are: Brenda Hensley Corey Penrose Alyson Brauning Julie Timmerman Rodrigues Do you have issues you’d like them to …

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