Category: Uncategorized

Are you ready to shop for affordable health care but don’t know where to start?

Welcome to the Health Plan Chooser for CalPERS members! The Health Plan Chooser allows CalPERS members to view the majority of their health plan information in one place, compare plans side-by-side and rank each plan based on personal preferences. Click here to check it out!

BREAKING news about the STAR test!

CTA Supports Bill to Overhaul State’s Student Assessment System CTA President Dean E. Vogel Releases Statement On Senate Passing AB 484 Today SACRAMENTO – California Teachers Association President Dean E. Vogel issued the following statement on the state Senate’s passage of AB 484—a bill that would overhaul the state’s testing system and align it to the …

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E-board meeting agenda for September 10th

Exec Board Agenda Sept.10

Rep Council Meeting Minutes from 8/27

Rep Council Meeting Minutes for August 27

Mark your calendar – How CTA Can Help You Plan for a Comfortable Retirement!

(Click on the picture if you can’t read it on your monitor.) Click here to download a copy of the flyer!

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