Category: Uncategorized

Exec Board Meeting Agenda for August 8th

Exec Board Agenda Oct.8

Bargaining update #9 is available!

Bargaining update #9

Rep Council Meeting Minutes from 9/24

Rep Council Meeting Minutes 9-24-13

The deadline for VPEF Grants and for the Kimme Challenge is this Monday, September 30

Good morning, just a reminder that the deadline for VPEF Grants and for the Kimme Challenge is this Monday, September 30. Please see information below regarding both VPEF fundraisers. The Vacaville Public Education Foundation is now accepting applications for Classroom Enrichment Grants.  These grants can be up to $500 a teacher, and are designed to …

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Would you like to serve on the board of VPEF?

We just received this email from Nolan Sullivan, the president of the VPEF board “We are looking for at least 4 more general board members if you know of anyone else who may be interested.  Specifically, we have need for someone with accounting skills, fundraising / pr and we could use a lawyer on our …

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