Category: Uncategorized

It can wait!

The Vacaville Teachers Association, working with Assemblymember Jim Frazier and many of our community partners, helped to bring an engaging and engrossing program about the dangers of texting while driving to the students of Vacaville High School yesterday afternoon. The program featured powerful testimony from speakers who knew, deeply and personally, the horrible costs of a …

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VUSD trustees McCallum, Whitman and Mahlberg meeting with VTA members

Message from President Moira….

Just a reminder that we are holding a VTA/School Board mixer tomorrow, Oct. 22. It will be at Murillos, 1591 East Monte Vista, from 5:30-7:30 P.M. Trustees Sherie Mahlberg, David McCallum, and Whit Whitman will be attending. Please come by to ask questions or share your thoughts and concerns with these School Board members. Food …

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Bargaining update #11 – now available

Bargaining report #11

Rep council and school board mixer meeting agenda for October 22nd

Rep Council Agenda Oct. 22

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