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Exec Board Agenda for November 5, 2013

Exec Board Agenda Nov. 5

Did you miss the meeting on October 29th at WCW? Check out the PowerPoint presentation here!

PowerPoint presentation from the general meeting on October 29th

ATTENTION MEMBERS! – General meeting to discuss the Tenative Agreement

Is scheduled for 3:30 on Tuesday October 29th in the Will C Wood library which is located at 998 Marshall Road, Vacaville , CA 95687. Site reps will need to attend this meeting so they may pick up voting packets and conduct their site elections from Wednesday October 30th to Friday November 1st. If you …

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Bargining update #12 – we have a tentative agreement!

Bargaining update #12 – we have a tentative agreement

Rep Council meeting minutes for October 22nd

Rep Council Oct. 22 meeting minutes

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