Category: Uncategorized

Would you like to chat with our assemblyperson?

Join Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Oakley) for coffee and conversation on Saturday, March 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at Joe’s Creekside Cafe in Vacaville. Jim will be available to discuss current legislative issues and respond to your questions, ideas and concerns regarding state government. Coffee, juice and breakfast pastries will be provided. Date: Saturday, …

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How do we create great public schools?

Figuring out how to create great schools for every child in Vacaville is one of my passions. It’s why I love teaching, and I am continually heartened to see that, even though politicians in Washington can’t agree on much, we, in Vacaville, get it. • We understand that great public schools benefit the community • …

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Vacaville Teachers Association Health Care Committee agenda

Tuesday, March 18 1:30 – 3:00 Vacaville Teachers Association Health Care Committee Will C. Wood High School Room S8 Second Floor of Science Building Purpose: The role of the Vacaville Teachers Association Health Care Committee is to research and gather data to help VTA make informed decisions about health care benefits. · Review from last …

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RSP caseload MOU

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From our friends at the American Cancer Society

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