Category: Uncategorized

Teaching tolerance – from the human rights comittee

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VTA members on the red carpet at the Equality California awards 2014

VTA vice-president Alyson Brauning and VTA Grievance Chair Sylvia Aquino proudly representing!

Third Trimester Common Formative Assessment FAQ’s

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Don’t miss the last School Board mixer of the year…

…at STARS Recreation Center’s Banquet Room (155 Browns Valley Parkway) from 5:15 – 7:15. Trustees McCallum, Flask, and Eaton will be there. Come and share your thoughts on topics such as Common Core, The Smarter Balanced test, Kairos Charter School, or whatever is on your mind. You can also just listen in on the discussions. …

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VTA will host the last School Board mixer of the year….

…next Tuesday, April 15th. It will be the STARS Recreation Center’s Banquet Room (155 Browns Valley Parkway) from 5:15 – 7:15. Trustees McCallum, Flask, and Eaton will be there. Food and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. We hope to see you there!

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