Category: Uncategorized

Happy day of the teacher!

More than any other profession, teachers shape our communities, just as they prepare our students for the future. That’s why the theme for this year’s 32nd annual Day of the Teacher is California Teachers: Inspiring our Students, Strengthening our Communities. California’s teachers are in a leadership position both in our schools and communities and as …

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Common Core Bargaining update #2

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Budget update from CTA

The governor unveiled the May Revision to the state budget earlier today. We took a quick look at the details presented and are encouraged by his proposal so far. We are pleased to see the governor’s proposal seeks to improve living conditions for all Californians. Below are a few highlights: ·Provides funding to meet the …

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Action alert!

VTA has done an analysis of the District LCAP draft #1 and compared elements of the plan to trends in high priority areas from our member survey. We found the plan does little or nothing to address: Competitive Salaries More Planning Time Teacher-Driven Professional Development The LCAP plan includes many new programs to be implemented …

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E-board agenda for May 6th

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