Category: Uncategorized

Congratulations to our own Corey Penrose!

He received a “Labor Backbone Award” at the Napa-Solano CLC Spring Fling on Friday at Mare Island. Corey receiving the award from the Napa-Solano CLC Executive Director Jon Riley, Assemblymember Jim Fraizer and other guests. A close up of the award, congratulations!!

VTA is at the Napa-Solano CLC Spring Salute

Mike Thompson addressing the crowd

Congratulations to David Hawkins, VUSD’s Teacher of the Year!

Thanks to Richard Bammer for the great story! VTA member David Hawkins, a longtime world history and government teacher at Buckingham Charter Magnet High School was named Vacaville Unified Teacher of the Year. On this day, the California Day of the Teacher, Dave Hawkins, the 2014 Vacaville Unified Teacher of the Year, is already looking …

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Rep Council Meeting for May 20th

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Day of the teacher pictures from Chevys!

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