Category: Uncategorized

It’s election day, please check out the CTA Voter Guide!!!

Would you like to know who the most education friendly candidates are for your area? Would you like to know where to find your polling place? Click here!  

Common Core Bargaining update #3

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Equity laws for educators from the Equity Team!

May 20th rep council minutes – and congratulations to Brenda Hensley, our 2013-2014 WHO Winner

VTA President Moira McSweeney and WHO award winner,  Brenda Hensley!!!!! [gview file=””]

Salary information from Bargaining

Due to uneasiness in 14-15 enrollment numbers (including the enrollment loss due to the Kairos Charter School) and in the ending balance for 13-14, the District did not want to talk money increases until the fall. To be better prepared for bargaining, the VTA Bargaining team agreed to open negotiations in August.  Consequently, we will …

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