Category: Uncategorized

Salary information from Bargaining

Due to uneasiness in 14-15 enrollment numbers (including the enrollment loss due to the Kairos Charter School) and in the ending balance for 13-14, the District did not want to talk money increases until the fall. To be better prepared for bargaining, the VTA Bargaining team agreed to open negotiations in September. Consequently, we will …

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A note from your PAC Chair!

Dear Colleagues, This is an election year for our School Board, and the race has begun for most of our candidates. You may have candidates who ask for your endorsement. The Vacaville Teachers Association won’t make a formal endorsement until the end of August, after input from our members. VTA will host a forum, where …

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From our own Gary Eisenberg!

I completed one of my goals this summer to convert Come With Me Science into usable videos for classroom use. I managed to include: “Mammals of the Woods”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Zoo Animals”, “Sea Animals”. and “Farm Animals”. You can access my work by going to: . Five animals in each unit, so I figure that’s …

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Common Core Implications – Update!

VTA and VUSD have met several times in the past 4 months, in bargaining and informally, to discuss Common Core Implementation issues and concerns. Through these critical conversations, VTA and VUSD have reached an MOU concerning the impact of transitioning to the Common Core Standards.  That MOU can be found at the end of the …

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