Category: Uncategorized

VTA Candidate Mixer at STARS

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet our endorsed candidates and the newest VUSD trustee, Nolan Sullivan at the mixer on September 23 from 5:00-7:00 PM. It will be at the STARS Recreation Center at 155 Browns Valley Parkway in the “Corner Pocket Room.” Food and beverages will be provided.

Have you heard about VPEF’s Kimme Challenge?

The Vacaville Public Education Foundation, of which I am a part, is sponsoring the Kimme Challenge: I will match any donation to VPEF during the month of September, up to $10,000. Yes, I am crazy, but crazy about education. These donations go right into Vacaville classrooms with mini-grants. The more donations we get, the more …

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Exec board meeting Agenda for September 9th

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Action alert – Mandatory Kindergarten Measure, AB 1444

TAKE ACTION: Call or fax Gov. Jerry Brown and urge him to sign AB 1444 (Buchanan/Weber) that would require completion of kindergarten as a prerequisite to first grade enrollment. Call the governor’s office at 916-445-2841. Press 1 for English; press 4 to speak with a representative of the governor. Only calls made between 9:00 a.m. …

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Rep council meeting minutes from August 26th

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