Category: Uncategorized

Bargaining report #2

Here’s the bargaining report [gview file=””]  Here’s the proposed contract language [gview file=””] Here are the proposed calendars for 2015-2016 [gview file=””] [gview file=””] [gview file=””] Here are the proposed calendars for 2016-2017 [gview file=””] [gview file=””] [gview file=””]  

Coming soon….

Please support the 18,000 RNs/NPs in Kaiser Striking on November 11th & 12th

From our brothers and sisters at Kaiser! 1. Our Patients Deserve Better Kaiser has experienced a massive increase of hundreds of thousands of new members. Meanwhile, according to data supplied to us by Kaiser, we have lost 2,046 RN and NP positions in the past 3 years. Our hospitals are regularly understaffed, our time in …

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October State Council Report

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Come meet with State Superintendent and CTA-endorsed candidate for re-election Tom Torlakson! TIME: Mon., Nov. 3, 2014 4:00 pm PLACE: 4751 Central Way, Cordelia (CTA Office)

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