Category: Uncategorized

Congratulations to our own Moira McSweeney – winner of the Napa-Solano Labor Backbone award

Napa-Solano CLC director Jon Riley, VTA President Moira McSweeney, and Assemblymember Jim Fraizer Moira with her award!!!

Bargaining update #9

[gview file=””] [gview file=””] [gview file=””] Would you like to know what to do next?  Talk with your site rep, if you don’t know who that is click here, and get your site ready for Tuesday!

Do you have a great idea, but only need some $$$ to make it happen?

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Pictures from our school board mixer!

  Trustee Kitzes meeting with our members   Trustee Mahlberg talking education with VTA remembers Trustee Sullivan talking education with our members!

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