Category: Uncategorized

March Rep Council Minutes

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February Rep Council Minutes

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Chants for chocolate milk: Vacaville students protest removal of lunch item from menu

VACAVILLE, Calif.  – Students at a Vacaville school are exercising their right to protest for something they feel passionate about. At Sierra Vista K-8 located along Bel Air Drive, students felt lunchtime wasn’t the same. Something was missing from their menu. “When we walked in, I was like, ‘What the heck — where is it …

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NEA Foundation Grants

The NEA Foundation has three grant opportunities open to members that fund a year of learning: Student Success; grants of $1,500 or $5,000 fund project-based and deeper student learning; Learning & Leadership; grants between $1,500 and $5,000 fund individual or group professional development and collegial study; Envision Equity grants between $1,500 and $5,000 let educators test new …

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Conferences, Trainings, Workshops

  Upcoming CTA Conferences CTA conferences offer premier learning and networking experiences as well as professional growth hours and university credit. Visit for details and to register, and to learn about additional conferences: Community College Association Winter Conference, Feb. 11-13, virtual. Highlights advocacy and lobbying and contract enforcement issues. Also offered are CCA’s California Leadership Academy and Grievance …

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