Category: Uncategorized

Bolster your school project with an IFT Grant 

Have a project that will improve student achievement? Does your project address the needs of diverse or at-risk students? The CTA Institute for Teaching (IFT) has established a competitive grant program for CTA members and chapters to support strength-based, teacher-driven reform for students and public schools. Competitive educator grants will be awarded in amounts up …

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Top 10 from March 2017 CTA State Council

  1.    President Heins on These Times CTA President Eric Heins draws a comparison between Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities and the current political environment in our country, and encourages CTA members to work in union to make it the best of times. READ FULL SPEECH 2.    Show Your Support for April …

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Take two minutes to send an email to your senators. Tell them to vote NO on Neil Gorsuch.

During Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing last week, multiple senators asked about Gorsuch’s cruel rulings against students with disabilities. They were horrified to hear that Gorsuch had ruled that these students are only entitled to slightly better than no education at all.   In reality, just more than the minimum means no education …

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Here’s the March report from your board member, Jerry Eaton!

Click here to read the report.

Meeting minutes from the March 28th Rep Council Meeting

March 28 Rep Council Meeting Minutes

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