The VTA and VUSD teams met on May 24, 2013.
VTA: Brenda Hensley, Kent Puddy, Kim Campbell, Gary Masterson & Lynne Grow
VUSD: Randy Henry, Ed Santopadre, David Robertson, Christie Cochran, & Kari Sousa
The teams discussed School Services’ take on the Governor’s May Revise. It is still uncertain as to how VUSD will be funded in 13-14; the Governor has proposed a new Local Control Funding Formula but we don’t know if that will replace the current Base Revenue Limit funding structure. The District is holding a budget workshop for the Board on May 28th at the District Office at 5pm for the school board. The School Board is scheduled to adopt a 13-14 budget at the June 27th board meeting.
Hopefully the state budget will be adopted by June 30th. It will take some time to see how the budget impacts school districts.
The teams agreed to meet on July 19th and July 22nd.