Author's posts

Everything you ever wanted to know about AB 420 but were afaid to ask!

AB 420: Willful Defiance  As you may recall, AB 420 amended Section 49800 of the Education Code by removing willful defiance, in certain instances, as a reason a principal may use to suspend or expel a student. That bill was to sunset on July 1, 2018, unless another statute was enacted to extend the date. …

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Message from the CTA President, Eric Heins

This week, as we count our blessings and give thanks for our family and friends, I’m asking you to consider those in our CTA family who have recently experienced amazing loss and trauma from the deadliest wildfires in California’s history. Many lost homes, classrooms, entire schools. Some lost friends, neighbors and pets.  As the smoke …

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Bargaining Update #3

Bargaining update #3

Help victims of the Camp Fire!

Members helping members during the Camp Fire

In response to such an overwhelming need, our Vice-President, Alyson Brauning, and the president of the Napa Valley Education Association, Gayle Young, traveled to Chico with emergency supplies.  

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