Author's posts

Take Action: Send Solidarity to Sacramento Educators

Sacramento City educators will strike for their students if needed TOMORROW, APRIL 11. Educators had an agreement with the district during the last bargain to use health plan savings on students including class-size reduction, counselors, nurses, and more. The district is not honoring that agreement. Learn more about their fight for their students on Sacramento City Teachers Facebook …

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Resources and Fun for Your Classroom

Resource to share with parents: We know this is the height of testing season across the state. This is a good resource to share with parents hoping to opt their child out of testing: (guides available in multiple languages) Day of the Teacher and Education Support Professionals (ESP) Day: We cannot WAIT to celebrate you! Day of the …

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#RedForEd Day: Take Action for Our Students on May 22

#RedForEd Day: Take Action for Our Students on May 22Let’s make history together! RSVP today to join the action in Sacramento on May 22. May 22 will be a statewide #RedForEd Day of Action, including a massive rally for public education in Sacramento. We will call on elected leaders to address chronic underfunding of our schools and …

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Bargaining update and Tentative Agreement #2

Here is the bargaining update Here is the tentative agreement

April 2019 Educator of the month Jordyn Adcock

Why are you an educator?I chose to become an educator because I realized I enjoyed helping students learn and gain new information. This has always applied more to the life lessons I can teach them than just the subject content. I began my career as a coach and substitute teacher. There were students when I …

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