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Action Alert for Tuesday!

Please wear black to show support for our Bargaining Team on Tuesday, May 21st.  It is extremely important for us to show our solidarity on this day. All of the bargaining summaries can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact President Tracy Begley or Bargaining Chair Brenda Hensley

Bargaining update #12

Here’s the update! Tentative Agreement #3 – Class sizes Tentative Agreement #4 – Hiring Ratios Tentative Agreement #5 – Retiree Benefits

Check out the pics from our Day of the Teacher celebration at Rock and Brews!

Exec Board Agenda for May 7th

Here’s the agenda for the meeting.

Bargaining update #11 – SLP MOU and WCW Flex Time MOU

Bargaining update #11 SLP MOU WCW Flex Time MOU

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