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May Rep Council Meeting Minutes

Click here to download the minutes!

Bargaining update #13 and Tentative Agreements 6-8

Bargaining update #13 Tentative agreement #6 – salary placement Tentative agreement #7 – co-teaching Tentative agreement #8 – class size balance

May Rep Council Agenda

Click here to see the agenda!

Take Action – Come to Sacramento on May 22nd!

In just one week, thousands of educators and allies will rally at the Capitol to demand the funding and protection for public education our students deserve. There’s still time to join the action! RSVP today to join the action in Sacramento on May 22 at is the time to raise our voices together to protect …

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The Cordelia Instructional Leadership Conference is on November 2, 2019!

We are looking for feedback from educators on what topics they would like to learn about at CILC2019. We are also seeking presenters on any subject in education. With appreciation, CILC Planning Committee Educators Educating Educators

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