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Bargaining update #14 and Tentative Agreement #9

Bargaining update #14 Tentative Agreement #9

State Council Report – June 2019

Governor’s 2019–20 STRS Proposed Budget update — CalSTRS Supplemental Pension Payments The Governor’s budget proposes additional contributions to CalSTRS on behalf of employers and the state over several fiscal years, which is expected to lower short- and long-term contribution rates through the remainder of the funding plan. The CalSTRS Funding Plan (AB 1469–Bonta, 2014) – …

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Sticky: Action Alert – SEIU and VTA standing stronger, together, for Vacaville’s Future!

The Vacaville Teachers Association, SEIU 1021- Vacaville, and our community allies (shout out to the Napa-Solano Central Labor Council for making this for us!) are proud to stand together and demand the best for all of Vacaville’s students. For too many years, the Vacaville Unified School District hasn’t paid employees comparable salaries with our neighbors …

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Salary comparisons 2018-2019

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Pics from the Red for Ed Rally in Sacramento!

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