Author's posts
Aug 24
Special enrollment opportunity for new hires and district transfers for CTA-endorsed Disability and Life insurance
Newly hired educators and education support professionals have a limited-time special opportunity to apply for CTA-endorsed Disability insurance and up to $400,000 in Life insurance1 from Standard Insurance Company without having to answer any health questions. The Standard is the only CTA-endorsed provider for Disability and Life insurance. Disability insurance can help protect CTA members’ paychecks if they’re …
Aug 24
CTA Voluntary Group Disability Insurance
CTA-endorsed Voluntary Disability Insurance from The Standard Disability insurance helps protect your paycheck if you’re unable to work due to injury, illness (including mental health conditions and substance abuse), pregnancy or childbirth. Benefits are paid directly to you and can be used for expenses health insurance doesn’t cover. Replaces up to 80%1 of your daily income2 …