Author's posts

News Release – Vacaville Teachers Donate $3,000 to Vacaville Resource Center to Help Struggling Families Cope During COVID-19 Pandemic

VACAVILLE – Vacaville Teachers Association (VTA) is donating $3,000 to the City of Vacaville Family Resource Center.  VTA President Todd Blanset says union members requested a donation be made to the Vacaville FIRST Office, Family Resource Center.  “In this time of great need, VTA members see Vacaville FIRST as a great resource to help families navigate tough …

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Important message from President Todd!

Kali Stern, a teacher at Vaca Pena Middle School suffered a horrible loss.  Her husband, David, passed away on April 25th at the age of only 30. This was very unexpected and leaves Kali and her young daughter Elizabeth completely devastated. The process that comes along with end of life can be very expensive. With …

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For members only

New COVID-19 Grants   The NEA Foundation has three new grant opportunities to address effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on teaching and learning:   1. $1,500-$5,000 six-month grants help educators address contributors to educational inequity and educational opportunity gaps.  2. One-year grants of either $2,000 or $5,000 to assist educators in preparing themselves, their colleagues, their students, or school community to respond to increased equity and opportunity challenges in the …

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May 1 is International Workers Day

On May 1, 1886, the U.S. Federation of Organized Trade and Labor Unions (including immigrant workers) ruled that an 8-hour work day would be a full and legal work day. May 1 continues to be a national day of action; this year the focus is on raising awareness about immigration rights and the need to keep families together as they …

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Safety of students and educators must lead decision to reopen schools

On April 28, CTA President E. Toby Boyd let state lawmakers know that safety of both students and educators, along with deliberate and collaborative planning, would be paramount in deciding when and how to reopen schools. “When students physically return to schools, it needs to be planned and deliberate, with public health at the forefront of all …

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