Author's posts

Yes on Prop 15, No on Prop 22!

Prop 15: Schools & Communities First will ensure that our schools & communities DO come first with enough resources to truly educate all of our kids and services to support all of our families.  RECLAIMS $12 billion every year to fund neighborhood schools and strengthen local economies to lift up all Californians. CLOSES commercial property …

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Less Than 100 Days…..

…till election day. Education funding remains the critical issue and it’s essential to pass Prop. 15, which would help California reclaim some $12 billion annually for schools and essential public services. We cannot open our schools until they are safe , and adequate funding is needed to make this happen. Take action:   -On Friday, July 31, at …

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Did you miss the Town Hall Presentations about Distance Learning?

Click here to download the presentation!

Do you know who to ask about ALL things VTA?

Click here to find out!

Bargaining update #5 and MOU’s about safely reopening schools for 2020-2021

Click here to download the bargaining update! Click here to read the Phase 1 Provisions for 2020-2021 MOU Click here to read the Calendar and Work Day Provisions for 2020-2021 MOU Click here to read the Leave and Work Assignment Provisions for 2020-2021 MOU Click here to read the Meeting and Adjunct Hours Provisions for …

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