April 2016 CTA Board Report from Jerry Eaton
A message regarding Lynwood Teachers Association
Deeply concerned about ensuring the rights of all members, as well as the chapter’s disregard for following required democratic procedures and fulfilling its collective bargaining responsibilities, the California Teachers Association’s Board of Directors voted today to place the Lynwood Teachers Association (LTA) in trusteeship. This decision was not made lightly. The CTA Board felt it had to be done to protect both the interests of LTA’s more than 700 members and the integrity of the local association.
We had sincerely hoped that it wouldn’t come to this, but LTA leadership has shown an unwillingness to honor the democratic process and carry out the responsibilities of the collective bargaining agreement, both of which are essential to the principles of union representation.
The Board has appointed Robin Rose and Hal Vick to act as co-trustees. Both Rose and Vick bring more than 60 years of combined experience in working with local education associations, providing bargaining expertise and operational guidance. Both are former chapter leaders as well as former local Executive Directors and former CTA Regional Managers. Prior to working in the union, both were teachers and active in their local associations. Assisting them as governance trustee is CTA member Bill Freeman, past president of the San Diego Education Association and current member of the NEA Board of Directors. Prior to working in education, Freeman served in the U.S. Army for 20 years as an Operations Officer.
It is CTA’s intent that all democratic processes are immediately re-established and local control of the Lynwood chapter is restored as soon as possible. |
During this statewide event, you will be updated on the latest information on the state budget and play a crucial role in advocating for a state budget that helps restore funding to our schools after years of devastating cuts.
This year’s Chapter Presidents’ Lobby Day will be held on Tuesday, May 24th at the Crest Theatre, located at 1013 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. The Crest Theatre is two blocks away from the State Capitol. Check-in and breakfast will start at 8:30 a.m. and our program will begin at 9:30 a.m. sharp. At the end of the day (after lobbying our legislators at the Capitol) there will be a debriefing session back at the Crest Theatre with refreshments provided.
Click here to register for the event. (Deadline May 6th)
Click here to book your room at the Citizen Hotel. (You can also book your room via the links available on the registration website.) (Deadline May 2nd) |
for all of your hard work on the signature gathering effort for the CEHCPA, a 12-year extension of the income tax in Prop. 30 on the wealthiest of Californians, which would otherwise expire in 2018.
We are well on our way to getting this initiative qualified for the ballot and will shift in to full campaign mode at that point. Below are the talking points and other information which will help as the initiative qualifies. |
CEHCP Act statewide total signatures at 147,700, nearly reaching our 150,000 goal. The total for Region 1 is 34,000. Congratulations and thank you very much for your hard work!
May 4th Walk In! Please join in this nationwide effort in association with the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools (AROS), a national alliance of parent, youth and community organizations and labor groups fighting for educational justice and equity in access to school resources and opportunities, representing all students, particularly those from low-income and working-class communities and neighborhoods of color.
Regardless of your chapter size, this is an effort for all students and everyone can be involved.
For more information about AROS and the “walk-ins” please use the following link AROS Resource Page |
There is still time to apply for the Ethnic Minority Early Identification & Development program (EMEID). Members can self-identify or be identified by others. Applications close May 6, 2016
The 2016 National Education Association Representative Assembly NEA/RA Elections have concluded and the results have been tabulated. In Washington DC, July 1st – 8th. The NEA/RA newsletter will be sent out the first week of May giving delegates information on registering for the conference as well as securing lodging. Keep an eye out for that email. |
Board/Action News
We heard reports on:
- The success of CEHP Act 2016 petition gathering efforts
- Labor Notes Conference in Chicago
- Vendor Evaluation Screening Committee Report on the new CTA 403b investment product
We took action to approve:
A Word From the Director
Please let me offer my profound gratitude for the tremendous effort by all of you in gathering petition signatures. The hard work and dedication of each member made the difference. You more than met the challenge.
District A rocks!!!
Now, we are almost to the point of ensuring that the Children’s Education and Health Care Protection Act of 2016 which will provide $8-11 billion per year starting in 2019 until 2030, will move from a dream to a reality for our schools and our students.
Hopefully, you and your members are considering applying for Summer Conference grants and attending the Presidents Conference as well as the Summer Institute.
Please let’s encorage attendance at the May Golden Gate SCC and Redwood SCC WHO Award meetings. It is a busy time of year but there should always be time to recognize and honor our own as well as those community member allies.Thank you for helping out. |
Department Report Highlights
(Click on links for full report)
The Political Report contains good news about the number of signatures gathered for the CEHCP Act of 2016 and reaching our association goal as well as statewide. There is also information on the CTA legislative candidate endorsements voted on at April State Council.
We heard a recap of the exciting March 29th decision on Friedrichs v. CTA, a 4-4 split vote sending the matter back to the California Court which ruled in CTA’s favor. We also hear about the California Court of Appeals rejection of the Vergara claims.
Click here for Friedrichs media coverage
Click here for Vergara appellate court decision.
Click here for Vergara media coverage
- Gate SCC set up a petition table at their retirement workshop. Participants were provided with information on the Prop 30 Initiative and encouraged to sign petitions
- Solano College FA (Solano) formed a steering committee to address the Career Tech Education 25 Recommendations for a Strong Workforce Program proposed by the Chancellor and the CTE Governor’s budget proposal. The steering committee consists of the following: Solano College management, Central Labor Council, Industrial Area Foundation, CTA.
- Rohnert Park Cotati EA (Sonoma) is working with SEIU and CSEA locals to address the anti-union behavior of the Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District administration. A dozen Unfair Labor Practice Charges have been filed with PERB, four by RPCEA and eight by CSEA. Joint efforts are underway to elect union friendly school board members.
- Santa Rosa TA (Sonoma) is participating in the Sonoma County Health Care Taskforce. A report which recommends two alternative methods of cost containment will be presented to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors in mid-April. This report is the result of a yearlong effort by a coalition of 11 public sector unions
- Santa Rosa TA (Sonoma) and Santa Rosa City Schools are offering “Unconscious Bias” training to unit members at multiple schools within the district.
Please read materials which are linked but not in the TIDD Summary Report. In Washington DC a panel of educators, advocate and officials agreed upon ESEA rulemaking on testing issues. US Education Secretary King and department, according to US Senate Chairman Alexander, are ignoring new ESSA law. Resorative School Vision Project RSVP. IPD and Human Rights workshops statewide IPD/HR.
CTA’s current financial position is stable with a strong reserve.
District A Scholarships, Grants & Appointments
- Presidents Conference, July 21-24, San Jose. Click here (Deadline: May 8th)
- Summer Institute, August 4th, UCLA. Click here (Deadline: May 8th)
- Ryan Cole: CTA Lobby Team on Charter Related issues
- Corey Penrose: Good Teaching Conference Planning Committee
- Areli Dohner Chavez: Issues Conference Planning Committee
- Corey Penrose: Member in Politics, Coalition Building
Calendar of Events
- AROS Walk In, May 4th
- Golden Gate Service Center WHO Awards Celebration, May 6th, Basque Cultural Center
- Golden Gate Legislative Breakfast, May 7th, Westin San Francisco Airport Hotel
- Redwood Service Center Council and WHO Awards Luncheon, May 14th, Santa Rosa RRC
- President’s Lobby Day, May 24th, Sacramento
- State Council, June 3th-5th, Los Angeles