The Personal Leave Bank (PLB) is open to all members who donate a day of leave. New members are covered for the first year, UNLESS he/she was previously employed and brought with them more than ten (10) days of transferable sick/personal leave, in which case a donation is required. Second year members who have yet to donate a day need to in order to continue coverage.
Withdrawals can be applied for, with medical documentation, for up to 12 days per year. To donate a day members should fill out a form available through their VTA site rep, from Human Resources , or by printing out 4 copies of the form available through the link below. The form should then be sent/taken to Human Resources. A member can contact Human Resources if they’re not sure they’ve donated a day. Payroll and HR do not have this information in their computer system. (Whenever a member requests a withdrawal from the PLB, someone has to check the member’s file for the enrollment form.) Members can review PLB contract language 6.7 on pages 23 and 24, available on this website.
Over the years we’ve had the bank, VTA members haven’t had to donate a second day due to new members joining to keep it going. Before donating, a member needs to understand that once a day has been donated it cannot be returned.
If you print the following Personal Leave Bank form off this website:
4 copies are needed: One each for Human Resources, Payroll, VTA, and one for yourself. The form should be sent/taken to Human Resources.
Remember, you may only donate a day to the bank during the 30-day Open Enrollment in the fall.