Conferences, Trainings & Workshops

You've Got This. We've Got This. We Are CTA.

Mental Health Roundtable With Educators & Allies, May 7

A discussion on facing mental health issues in our own lives, classrooms, and in the political arena.

  • Fri., May 7, 5-6 p.m. PT. Register here.


The Way to Staff Well-Being:
Creating Resilience in Schools, May 10 or May 15

Healthy educators are our most valuable resource for creating safe and supportive learning environments. This workshop presented by CTA and Kaiser Permanente explores why resiliency is a challenging and necessary skill for educators and for the whole school. It will outline some key contributors to stress and burnout in school environments and identify action items for developing resilient schools. Participants will learn ways to explore their own well-being and the Resilience in the School Environment (RISE) tool – an evidence-informed suite of online resources to assess safe and supportive school climates with emphasis on staff needs.


Building for the Future: Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation in Schools, May 11 & 13

Join NEA, K12 Climate Action, the American Federation of Teachers, Sierra Club and World Resources Institute for a two-part event to learn about the opportunities to make school buildings, grounds, and transportation models for sustainability. Hear from infrastructure experts, community leaders, and policymakers from around the country.

  • Tues., May 11, and Thurs., May 13, 1-2:30 p.m. PT. Register here.

 Racial Justice in the Classroom, May 19

Talking about racial justice in public education — constructively, honestly, openly — is difficult. Join this Early Career Educators racial/social justice webinar on how we can challenge and dismantle the structures, policies and implicit biases we all have that prop up white privilege at the expense of students and families of color. To do anything less is to deny the world in which our students live, and to concede that some students deserve less.

  • Wed., May 19, 4-5:30 p.m. PT; register here.
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