Governor’s 2019–20 STRS Proposed Budget update — CalSTRS Supplemental Pension Payments
The Governor’s budget proposes additional contributions to CalSTRS on behalf of employers and the state over several fiscal years, which is expected to lower short- and long-term contribution rates through the remainder of the funding plan.
The CalSTRS Funding Plan (AB 1469–Bonta, 2014) – put the CalSTRS Defined Benefit Program on the path to full funding in 32 years through incremental shared contribution increases among the program’s three contributors: CalSTRS members, employers (school districts, county offices of education and community college districts) and the State
of California.
Governor Newsom’s 2019–20 Budget – proposes to provide supplemental payments to CalSTRS to address the unfunded actuarial obligation of the system and reduce contribution rates for employers and the state.
CalSTRS’ Funded Status and Unfunded Actuarial Obligation – The funded status is the ratio of CalSTRS’ assets to the value of educators’ promised benefits. An unfunded actuarial obligation (UAO) exists when the system’s obligations exceed its assets. As of June 30, 2018, the funded status of the CalSTRS Defined Benefit Program was 64.0 percent, based on the actuarial value of assets, and the UAO was $107.2 billion.
Information on opportunities for teachers to participate in state assessment – development and implementation -
Equality California 2019 safe & supportive schools report card-
Teachers in New Haven, which is in Union City, have been out for nine days so far. Please contribute to the NHTA strike fund. You can do so via the online link on the CTA website, at Your contribution will be acknowledged online. In addition:
• Go to the NHTA Facebook page and post encouragement and love
• Go to the NHTA Twitter page and post encouragement and love
• DONATE FUNDS to NHTA- Our strike fund needs a boost. Please contribute at
• We need NHUSD Board President Sharan Kaur to honor her promise to reach a fair settlement. Call 510-909-1592 or from your home account.