Prop 15: Schools & Communities First will ensure that our schools & communities DO come first with enough resources to truly educate all of our kids and services to support all of our families.
- RECLAIMS $12 billion every year to fund neighborhood schools and strengthen local economies to lift up all Californians.
- CLOSES commercial property tax loopholes and ends shady schemes that big corporations and wealthy investors use to avoid paying their fair share of property taxes.
- PROTECTS all homeowners & renters by maintaining tax protections for ALL residential property.
- LEVELS the playing field for businesses that already pay their fair share.
- EXEMPTS smaller businesses valued at under $3 million.
- EXEMPTS all agricultural land.
YES on 15 would mean an additional investment of $6,915,000 in VUSD students’ education every year! This could be negotiated by VTA for professional pay, smaller class sizes, more resources & supports, etc. and could prevent potential layoffs and drastic cuts during the economic recovery.
Can we count on you to stand together with other VTA/CTA members for our students and their future? Commit today at bit.ly/CTAProp15 |
Follow the campaign on social media (@Schools1stCA) You can get more information and initiative resources at www.cta.org/taxfairness and at yes15.org |