Vacaville Teachers Association
Proudly Educating Vacaville's Future
Become a Human Rights Cadre Trainer!
Vaca High teacher tests his knowledge on ‘Jeopardy!’
May 12
1. Final TA and TA#1
2 Displaced Pool 2020 MOU – Google Docs
3. Frosh Soccer
4. VSP
5. SuspensionEval2020
6. Payroll Period Changes
7. Normal Elem Prep 20-21
8. PD 20-22
9. Unpaid Leave
10. Eval Provisions 2020-21
11. Phase 1
12. Meeting:Adjunct 20-21
13. Cal:Workday Changes 20-21
14. Leave:Work Asmt 20-21
15. Phase 1 Kimme 20-21
16. Kimme2021
17. TechTeacherMOU
18. resigincentive2021
19. transferpool2021
20. elementarylastweekofschool
21. purplepayafterreopen
22. Esports
23. summerschool2021
24. 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 School Year Calendar MOU Signed
25. 2122ElemDraft
26. 2122MSDraft
27. 2122HSDraft
28. 2223ElemDraft
29. 2223MSDraft
30. 2223HSDraft
31. 4dayaweeksecondary
PO Box 6871
Vacaville CA 95696
President Brenda Hensley
Vice President Jaxie Murray
Grievance Chair Lisa Cusi
-National Education Association
-California Teachers Association
-Redwood Service Center Council
-Napa-Solano Central Labor Council
-VPEF -- click here to donate!